Pugpalooza’s Pug of the Month: “Emi”
Pugpalooza’s Pug of the Month: “Emi”

Pugpalooza’s Pug of the Month: “Emi”

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This loveable pug, who barks for French fries, is a cherished companion of Abby Eakin of Council Grove, Kan.

Abby rescued Amy (she calls her Emi) when she was four years old from the Helping Hands Humane Society in Topeka. Now 15 years old, Emi sleeps about 12 hours a day. She does still like to play though, when she has the energy. One of her favorite games is picking up small items and flipping them in the air, mostly Barbie doll shoes. Emi sleeps in a wicker basket with a dog bed inside or on anything that is soft she comes across on the floor. Abby said Emi snores like a “buzz saw.”

Kennel-Trained and Photogenic

Abby has never taken Emi on a long vacation, but when they lived in Topeka, they traveled back to Council Grove every weekend. Emi likes to have her photo taken. She has been photographed by many 4-H participants and one person’s photo won a blue ribbon, so the photo advanced to the State Fair.

Emi is kennel-trained. Abby said she opens the door and Emi goes in willingly without a fight. (But sometimes she takes a lap or two around the living room before she goes in.)

Loves French Fries but No Tolerance for Puppies

Abby said Emi loves people and gets along well with other dogs, although she likes older dogs. She has no tolerance for a puppy. Emi barks at people that have French fries because she loves them! Abby said she will also bark if you are not paying attention to her. Abby talks to Emi and she understands phrases like, “How are you doing?” or “Mommy loves you.” She also understands commands like “Let’s go potty.”

Emi likes to go on walks around their yard by herself. She doesn’t mind being on a leash, but she doesn’t enjoy long walks or strolls in hot weather. She does like to run up and down the ramp from the front porch, however. Abby does leave Emi home by herself occasionally. She said she makes sure that Emi is comfortable, has food and water, and access to her “messy mat” in case she has to go potty.

Abby feeds Emi Blue Buffalo dog food. According to her mom, Emi used to weigh 35 pounds, but is now a healthy 15 pounds. Abby said they do not brush Emi’s teeth, but they do give her treats to keep her teeth and gums healthy. Emi sometimes wears a collar, but Abby said she prefers a harness. Emi likes to go to the lake. Abby said she will wade into the water and get her belly wet, then come out.


Has Some Health Issues, but Hanging In There

Abby said Emi does have some health issues. She has had some seizures, but they have seemed to minimize as she ages. She cannot take the heat and suffers from a cancerous tumor pushing against her bladder. According to Abby, she used to feed Emi Beneful dog food, but as soon as she switched, Emi quit having so many seizures. Abby said she likes her vet. They go get her toenails cut every 4 to 5 weeks.

Emi does have a favorite toy: a green stuffy that she got when Abby brought her home from the Humane Society. Emi chews on it and she sucks on it like a little baby.

What is Abby’s advice for people considering a pug? “My advice to people who are looking for a pug is to do it,” she said. “It’ll be the best decision of your life, but please be aware of complications that can come with these amazing dogs.”

A huge “Thank You” to Abby and her beloved pug, Emi, for letting us feature you on our blog. If you are interested in Pugpalooza featuring you and your pug in the future, please send me (Candy Johansen) a message on messenger or email me at: www.pugpalooza@gmail.com.

Photos provided by Abby Eakin

Until next time,

Hugs and Pug Kisses,


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