This lovable, lively pug who loves tug-o-war is a cherished companion of John and Ruth Harmon of Osage City, Kansas.
Ruth said her son, Jacob purchased A.J. from Pugtourage in Topeka, Kansas. The family that own Pugtourage still have A.J’s mom, his dad, two of his sisters and his uncle. Jacob ended up giving A.J. to Ruth because he had a larger dog and the two dogs did not get along well. Now, 17 months old, A.J. has a playful side. He loves to chew on and play with empty water bottles and he also enjoys chewing on his mom’s toes and the sleeves of her sweatshirts. A.J. sleeps with John and Ruth. She said he loves to get under the covers when they go to sleep, but by morning his head is on her pillow. Like every other pug, A.J. does snore.
John and Ruth took A.J. on a family vacation to Arkansas with them last year to Beaver Lake. Ruth said A.J. was scared to ride in a car at first, but now he loves it. A.J. loved swimming in Beaver Lake. Ruth said they spent a lot of time in the water and A.J. swam back and forth from them to the raft. A.J. loves people and attention and gets along great with other dogs and has two sisters that are blue and red heelers.
Loves to pose for photos
According to his mom, A.J. loves to have his photo taken and will pose for her, but he has never had professional photos done. Ruth said they used A.J.’s kennel to potty train him and now he uses it as a safe place when he wants to rest.
Ruth said A.J. will bark at anybody and anything. He is very smart and knows the words “sit,” “stay,” and “no.” Ruth said she is currently teaching him to “come.” A.J can also catch treat in his mouth when it is thrown to him.
Favorite game is Tug-o-War
Ruth does not brush A.J.’s teeth; however, she does give him dental chews to help promote healthy teeth. A.J. wears a collar when he is at home, but a harness when he goes for a walk. His favorite game is tug-o-war and he plays it with his dad when they go to bed. A.J. loves to be outside, can be very stubborn but is very lovable, according to his mom.
A.J. does not currently have any health issues. He eats puppy chow little bits dog food and likes to snack on milk bone dog biscuits and beggin’ strips. Ruth said they do not give him raw hide chews because dogs can choke on them. “I just love and care for him the best I can,” she said.
When ask what advice Ruth would give a person who wants to get a pug for a pet, she said, “Just remember… Pugs need lots of attention.” A huge “Thank you” to Ruth and John and their beloved pug “A.J,” for letting us feature you on our blog. If you are interested in Pugpalooza featuring you and your pug in the future, please send me (Candy Johansen) a message on messenger or email me at