Can My Dog( Pug) Eat Apples?
Can My Dog( Pug) Eat Apples?

Can My Dog( Pug) Eat Apples?

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Yes, pugs (dogs) can eat apples. But, before adding any fruits or vegetables to your dog’s diet, please consult your veterinarian.

Can pugs eat apples?
Penelope with an apple

Are Apples healthy for my dog?

Apples are loaded with vitamins A and C and K, as well as calcium, phosphorus and fiber. Vitamin A will help keep your dog’s skin and coat healthy. Apples are low in fat and make a healthy treat for your dog.

Can pugs eat apples?
Penelope with an apple

Is Fiber essential?

The fiber in apples will help with your dog’s digestion by slowing the rate that sugar is absorbed into the bloodstream. Although fiber will not give your dog added energy, it will help improve colon health and help with weight management, diarrhea, constipation and diabetes mellitus.

Can Apples help if my Pug is overweight?

Yes! The Soluble fiber that is in apples (called pectin) helps reduce the amount of sugar and calories that are absorbed into your dog’s bloodstream after he eats. This process prevents spikes in blood sugar that can lead to increased fat storage.

What Other benefits?

Apples are full of antioxidants. What does that mean? Antioxidants are not essential; however, they do have a positive effect on your dog’s eyesight, bone development, chronic diseases and more.

Also, apples can clean your dog’s teeth and improve bad breath, which is definitely an added bonus!

No Core or Seeds!

Be sure to remove the apple seeds and the core before feeding your dog because the seeds contain cyanide, which is toxic to your dog.

What is Cyanide and why is it poisonous?

Cyanide inhibits cytochrome oxidase, an enzyme necessary for cellular oxygen transport, preventing appropriate oxygen uptake by cells. When a dog ingests cyanide in toxic amounts, clinical signs of dilated pupils, difficulty breathing, inadequate oxygen levels, bright red gums, shock, and death can be seen.

In order for the cyanide to be toxic, dogs must either chew the pit or ingest broken pits. Cyanide toxicity can be deadly in only a few minutes. If only a small amount is consumed, signs of cyanide toxicity include salivation, rapid or difficulty breathing, and even convulsions and paralysis

Can Dog’s Eat any type of Apple?

Yes! Any variety of apple (red or green) is safe for dogs to eat. You can even make homemade applesauce (unsweetened) for your dog’s meal. Be sure to wash the apples you buy at the supermarket so they don’t have traces of herbicides or pesticides on them or just choose organic apples.

Can pugs eat apples?
Penelope with an apple

Serve Apples in Moderation

Even though dogs can eat apples, apples CAN cause upset stomach or diarrhea, so serve them in moderation. Also, apples do contain sugar so be aware of that, especially for dogs with diabetes or cancer.

Other Apple Options

If your dog won’t eat apples, there are other options- apple treats. Here are two apple treats from Petco that your dog might like. These treats both have apples in them.

There used to be a saying, “An apple a day…”

Same goes for our pugs (dogs). Give him a slice or two a day for a healthy snack!!

Until next time,

Hugs and Pug Kisses,


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