Is Broccoli Good for my Pug?
Is Broccoli Good for my Pug?

Is Broccoli Good for my Pug?

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Pugs will eat anything, right?

Yes, pretty much. But, what can we feed them that is good for them?

How about Broccoli?

Is Broccoli really good for your pet?

Yes. Broccoli IS good for your pet, both raw and cooked broccoli but it should only make up a small portion of the calories in their daily diet. However, if feeding your dog broccoli, don’t add any seasonings, oils, etc… to it.


Let’s take a closer look at what is in Broccoli… and why it is good for your dog:

One cup of raw broccoli (156 grams) contains:

** Omega 3 Fats- 8% DV (Daily Value)

** Vitamin B2- 15% DV

** Vitamin B1- 5% DV

** Vitamin A- 13% DV

** Calcium- 6% DV

** Choline- 15% DV

** Potassium- 13% DV

** Manganese- 15% DV

** Vitamin K- 245% DV

** Chromium- 53% DV

** Fiber- 21% DV

** Pantothenic Acid- 19%


How many calories are actually in a cup of broccoli?

There is only 31 calories in 1 cup of broccoli.


Important Vitamins in Broccoli

The vitamins in Broccoli encourages strong bones in your dog, especially Vitamin K. Vitamin K is known as a super vitamin in dogs and humans too. It is a fat-soluble vitamin that is vital to your dog’s overall health. If your dog doesn’t like broccoli, feed him carrots, strawberries or blueberries to get some Vitamin K.


What other benefits does Broccoli provide?

Broccoli is a dark green vegetable so it has a good amount of Vitamin C in it. Dogs produce Vitamin C naturally, but as they age, their body does not produce as much so it puts them at risk for cancers and other types of diseases.

Broccoli is also a good source of potassium, which helps with heart health.


Can Broccoli lower cholesterol in dogs?

Recent studies say yes. As a dog ages, cholesterol can build up in their body, but a healthy diet (including broccoli) can lower the cholesterol.


Anything other reason to feed Broccoli?

Yes, and I think this is one of the most important reasons to feed your dog broccoli. Broccoli is an anti-inflammatory, which means that it helps to slow down damage to your dog’s joints. It contains a sulfur-rich compound that helps block enzymes that can cause joint damage. Pugs tend to have joint problems as they age… but feeding Broccoli can help.


How much broccoli should I feed my dog?

Your dog’s diet should contain some vegetables and fruits, but only about 5-10% of their daily calories- the rest of their diet should be protein or regular dog food.

Caution: Broccoli contains Isothiocyanate so you need to feed your dog small amounts. Too much broccoli a day can cause upset stomach and large amounts can even be toxic.


Until next time,

Hugs and Pug Kisses,







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