Which Houseplants are Toxic to Dogs?
Which Houseplants are Toxic to Dogs?

Which Houseplants are Toxic to Dogs?

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With winter coming quickly and plants being brought inside off decks, patios and porches, I thought it might be a good idea to review which houseplants are toxic to your dogs.

Here’s a list of toxic houseplants:

  1. Aloe vera. Dogs can drink aloe juice and the gel inside of an aloe vera plant (which can be used as a topical treatment), but chewing on the leaves of the plant can expose your dog to toxins called anthraquinone glycosides, which can cause diarrhea and vomiting.



2.Ivy. Ivy plants are toxic because they contain toxins called triterpenoid saponins and polyacetylene compounds, which causes excessive drooling, vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal pain in dogs.Ivy, Green, Leaves, Climber Plant, Hedera Helix, Wall



3. Jade. Jade, a rubbery feeling plant has been known to be toxic to dogs, even though no one is sure why. This type of plant can cause vomiting, a slow heart rate in dogs and even depression. Keep it away from your dog.Jade, Plant, Succulent, Green, Nature, Houseplant



4. Dumb cane. This houseplant contains the same toxin that the tropical plan Philodeondron contains. The leaves of this plant contain tiny, sharp calcium oxalate crystals, which have been known to irritate a dog’s mouth and can also cause severe swelling and burning in the mouth and on the tongue. The symptoms from this plant have been known to lead to difficulty in breathing and death, though rarely.Dieffenbachia, Leave, Plant, Botany, Flora, Garden




5. Philodendron. Just like the dumb cane plant, the Philodendron can irritate a dog’s mouth and cause swelling and burning from sharp calcium oxalate crystals. In rare cases, it can also be fatal.Lion, Philodendron, Leaf, Verde, Naturaleza, Nature




6. Pathos. This popular houseplant also contains the sharp calcium oxalate crystals just like the dumb cane and Philodendron and produces the same symptoms. Keep this plant away from your pet.Plants, Pothos, Epipremnum Aureum, Ornamental Plants




7.Sago Palm. If you own a dog, this is definitely not the plant to have in your home. The whole plant is poisonous (the seeds, roots and leaves). It has a toxic substance called cycasin and can cause vomiting, diarrhea, seizures, lethargy and liver failure.Cycads, Flower, Sago Palm, Cycas Revoluta, King Sago




8. ZZ plant. Although this is a popular houseplant, it should not be in a house with dogs. It causes irritation and swelling in a dog’s mouth from the sharp calcium oxalate crystals.Plants, Balcony Plants, Plants On The Balcony, Balcony




9. Elephant Ear. The Elephant Ear also contains sharp calcium oxalate crystals that can produce irritation and swelling in a dog’s mouth.Elephant Ear, Plant, Leaf, Botanical, Nature, Tropical




10. Corn plant. This is not a plant you want your dog chewing on. If digested, it will cause vomiting (sometimes bloody), loss of appetite and depression. The toxins in this plant are from compounds called steroidal saponin.Flower, Dracaena, Foliage, Plant, Green, Closeup




11. Asparagus plant. This plant is closely related to a lily, so if digested, it can cause vomiting and diarrhea and also skin irritation.Foxtail Fern, Asparagus Desinflorus, Plant, Green




12. Desert Rose. This plant is another plant to stay away from if you have dogs. It contains a toxic called cardiac glycoside which can cause symptoms like vomiting, diarrhea, depression, irregular heart beat and even death in a dog.Desert Rose, Oman, Plant, Flowers, Pink, Pink Flower




13. Bird of paradise. This plant is very pretty, but not good for your dog to eat. It will cause nausea, vomiting and drowsiness within 20 minutes after digestion.Flower, Plant, Blossom, Bloom, Bird Of Paradise Flower




14. Peace Lily. The peace lily is another plant that is full of those tiny calcium oxalate crystals that cause irritation in a dog’s mouth. Peace Lily, Flower, Flowers, Garden, Ornamental, Nature




15. Chinese evergreen. Like the peace lily and so many others listed here, this plant will also wreck havoc in your dog’s mouth and cause vomiting, difficulty swallowing and breathing from calcium oxalate crystals.Aglaonema, Dieffenbachia, Pot-Scaping


Source: https://www.rover.com/blog/11-poisonous-houseplants-dogs/


Check out the plants in your house before winter to make sure your dog is safe from toxins that are common in these household plants. Dog’s love to chew so make sure your house is a safe place for them!

Until next time,

Hugs and Pug Kisses,





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