Can the Coronavirus Affect My Dog?
Can the Coronavirus Affect My Dog?

Can the Coronavirus Affect My Dog?

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EVERYONE is talking about the Coronavirus…but as pet owners, should we be concerned? Is there a chance that MY pet may contract this disease?

As of now, veterinarians say the threat of the coronavirus making your pet sick is extremely low.

What ARE Coronaviruses?

They are viruses that cause different types of symptoms, like a runny nose, cough, sore throat or a fever. Some of the viruses are mild and some are more severe. The more severe ones can lead to pneumonia. The viruses are spread by direct contact with someone who is infected.

Pet owners began to question whether or not the coronavirus can be passed to their pets after Hong Kong authorities announced that a dog belonging to a woman who had the virus also tested “weak positive” for the disease on Feb. 28.

The dog has been in quarantine and continues to be there while authorities run tests.

Palmer assures pet owners that they can rest assured that the virus is not spreading between dogs and their owners. He said he recommends that people be diligent in washing their hands, but there is a greater chance of other types of bacteria that dogs carry that can be spread to owners and other pets.

So… should I be worried at all that the virus may infect my pet?

According to the American Veterinary Medical Association, the CDC, the World Organization for animal health and World Small Animal Veterinary Association, pet owners should not be worried at this time. There is no evidence thus far that dogs can contract this virus or spread it by contamination and there have been no cases of dogs in the United States with the virus.

“The risk to and from pets appears low at this time,” said Brennen McKenzie, VMD, a veterinarian with Adobe Animal Hospital in Los Gatos, California.

Is the dog in Hong Kong still sick? Does he have the virus?

The dog is still in quarantine, but is showing no signs of the disease. Scientists are not sure whether the original test was accurate. They think maybe the virus was just present on the dog, but not infectious. At this time,  United States authorities are waiting for Hong Kong authorities to provide more information about the testing that was done on the dog.

How can I keep MY dog safe?

Be prepared, but don’t change your normal routine. Just maybe wash your hands a little more often than you usually do, especially after playing with or petting your dog. Dogs CAN carry other bacteria’s like E. Coli or salmonella.

Don’t go around people who are sick and keep your dog away from them too. If YOU are ill, stay home. Cover your mouth when you have to cough or sneeze to minimize germs getting on your dog or surfaces. If you live in an area where people are sick with the coronavirus, don’t have your dog around other dogs, just to be safe. Avoid taking them to areas where there are lots of people or dogs, like dog parks. And… remember to wash your hands after playing or petting your dog or someone else’s dog. If your dog acts sick, see a vet immediately.

The American Veterinary Medical Association recommends that you keep a two-week supply of your dog’s food and medicines on hand.

Is there are vaccine I can give my pet to protect him from the coronavirus?

At this time, there are no vaccines available for either animals or humans.

If I get sick with the coronavirus, should I continue to take care of my pet? 

The CVC recommends that if you get the coronavirus, you should have someone else temporarily take care of your pet.

“Again, I think it’s highly unlikely that you could get COVID-19 from your dog, or give it to another dog,”  said Palmer. “If my neighbor were to become sick with COVID-19 and had a dog, I’d be willing to walk it for them. I am not worried I would get sick from their dog, or from their dog’s leash.”

photo by istock photos.

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