Why Does my Pug Do What He Does? Find out here…
Why Does my Pug Do What He Does? Find out here…

Why Does my Pug Do What He Does? Find out here…

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What does it mean when my pug looks at me with his puppy dog eyes? All of us have had the “puppy dog eyes” look. But what does it really mean?  It means that your dog loves and trusts you. It may also be a way of begging for something… like food or a treat.

What does it mean when my pug looks at me before he does something?  If your pug looks at you before he does something, it may mean that he wants your approval. Looking at you means that your dog respects you and wants your approval before he acts. Looking at you also signifies that he realizes that you are in charge.

What does it mean when my pug squints or blinks his eyes?  If your pug does this, it is most likely a sign that they want your attention. However, it can be a sign of an eye problem too, so observe him closely. If he is just squinting or blinking for a short time, he wants attention. If he is squinting a lot and is having a hard time keeping his eyes open, consult a vet ASAP.

What does it mean when my pug is intensely staring at me? When your pug just sits and stares at you, they want your attention and affection. Give them lots of attention and love and the staring will stop because they will be satisfied.

What does it mean if my pug is staring at me with his tongue out? When a pug looks at you and has his tongue out, it means he is relaxed and happy. Dogs often do this after you give them attention.

What does my pug want if he is making constant eye contact? If your pug is making constant eye contact with you or watching you very closely, he is watching your expressions and may be worried or concerned about you. Molly (my pug) watches me super close when I cry. She knows something is wrong and she wants to fix it.

 What does it mean if my pugs ears are forward and his tail is slowly wagging?  When your pug does this, he is interested in something new. It could be new smell, a new dog or some type of new food. Your pug is ready to check it out.

What does it mean if my pug has a loose, floppy tongue?  If your pug’s tongue is loose and floppy, it means that he is relaxed and not uptight.

 What does it mean if my pug Bares his teeth,  puts his ears back or growls? If your pug displaying any of these symptoms, he wants to be left alone. Pugs are not aggressive dogs, but they will possibly growl if teased or if bothered while eating.

 What does it mean when my pug exhibits a low growl? If your pug is exhibiting a low growl, it means he is anxious and/or fearful.

Why does my pug sleep on his back with his legs in the air– If your pug sleeps on his back with his legs in the air, he is exposing his tummy area.  This means that he feels secure in his surroundings because exposing his tummy makes him vulnerable.

Why does my pug sleep on his side- A pug who regularly sleeps on his side tends to have strong family bonds and have a lot of trust in his people. They are usually carefree and happy.

 Why does my pug sleep sprawled out on his belly– When you find a pug sprawled out and sleeping on his belly, he has probably played hard and finally just crashed. A lot of puppies sleep like this because they tend to have a lot of energy.

Why does my pug sleep on his belly with his legs drooped across his body– Sometimes pugs sleep like this when they are hot. They may do this to cool off. Molly (my pug) loves to turn over on her back and nap, especially when she wants a belly rub and when I am laying right beside her.

 Why does my pug sleep on his belly with his paws tucked underneath him- Research says that dogs do not sleep very good in this position because they don’t get to REM sleep patterns since their muscles aren’t completely relaxed. Gentle or dogs that are shy and timid sometimes sleep in this position.

Why does my pug sleep curled up with his tail close to his face- If your pug sleeps in this position, he is most likely cold. Sleeping like this allows a dog to retain as much body heat as possible.

 Why does my pug like to sleep back-to-back with another dog or with me? According to research, a pug will only sleep back-to-back with another dog or with its owner if he has complete trust in them.

Why does my pug bring me a gift? If your dog brings you a gift and drops it right in front of you, chances are that he is trying to make you happy. It doesn’t matter what the gift is… accept it and praise your dog for thinking of you. The other possibility of your dog dropping something at your feet is that he wants to play.

Why does my pug want to kiss (lick) me? When your pug licks or kisses you, he is being submissive and giving you affection. My pug (Molly) gives me “Molly kisses” and there is nothing sweeter than her kisses.

Why does my pug get extremely excited when I get home? When your dog jumps on you, or does circles around you and wants immediate attention, he is super glad to see you.

 Why does my pug like to sleep in my bed when I’m not home? Does your pug like to lay in your bed when you’re away? This is because he wants to feel close to you… and he can smell your scent on the bed so it is reassuring for him. Also, if your dog sleeps with you, he will naturally want to sleep in that same spot when you’re not home.

 Why does my pug kick his paw in a backward motion after going potty? Does your pug ever do this? Molly does… and for the longest time, I didn’t know why. Dogs have glands that are located in their paws. These glands release pheromones (a chemical substance usually produced by an animal to get a behavioral response). So, when your pug kicks his paws in the ground, they are releasing a “territorial scent” (in other words, they are letting other dogs in the area know that they have claimed that particular area). Dogs do this as a way of establishing who is in charge.

Why does my pug sniff other dog’s butts? Does your pug do this? RELAX!!  This gesture is simply a way for your pug to get to know other dogs.

Why do pugs chase their tails? Pugs sometimes chase their tails for fun or because they see it and think it is a toy. If your pug chases his/her tail excessively however, there could be a problem and you may need to contact  your vet.

Why does my pug run around like a madman after his bath? It actually could be a number of different reasons. He might not like being wet and is trying to dry off. He also might be really happy that the bath is over. Molly (my pug) runs like crazy when she gets out. I personally think a bath just makes her feel really good.

Why does my pug ALWAYS want to be right by my side? Pug’s are people dogs. They were bred to be companions. They love attention and have a desire to be close to their “people.”

Why does my pug tear things up when I’m not home? Some dogs get separation anxiety, mostly puppies. There are several ways to help with this anxiety. Taking your dog for a long walk before going to work will make him tired and he’ll be ready to sleep when you leave. Another solution to this is to get your dog a treat toy. It will give him something to do to keep his mind off of you leaving. I bought my pug (Molly) a Furbo a year ago. It allows me to talk to her, I can see her and I can throw her a treat whenever I want too. I love it!!

(I get nothing for promoting this Furbo. I am promoting it because it has given me peace of mind that my pug is ok when I’m not with her. It was well worth the money that it costs. I would buy it again).


Why does my pug try to comfort me when I’m upset? Dogs watch us. They read our body language. They know when we are upset. If your pug is sitting close to you or on your lap, if he’s watching you really close, listening to you, licking you or resting his head on yours, he is telling you that he is there for you and will help comfort you.



Until next time,

Hugs and Pug Kisses,








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One thought on “Why Does my Pug Do What He Does? Find out here…

  1. I so loved this article so very much. i did not know a lot of these things and why TIa Marie does them. Kisses to MOlly.

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