Pugs are little clowns. They love to entertain people and they love children. My pug (Molly) loves to be around kids. If I let her loose at a children’s playground, it would make her day. She would run and play with them until she was exhausted.
When I was an undergrad, I wrote and illustrated a book series for children starring my pug. Do you know how I came up with the idea? From watching Molly interact with children.
(these books available in our Etsy store: Pugpalooza.
Pugs love to be close to their people… and kids are no exception. Pugs will snuggle up next to them or they’ll lay near them just so they can be close.
Pugs are protective. One day while I was walking Molly near a swimming pool, a child jumped in the pool. Molly about had a fit trying to get to that child. I guess she thought the child was in trouble and she needed to help her. Molly would’ve jumped in if I would’ve let her. Instead, we stood by the edge and I had Molly watch the child. Molly did not take her eyes off of that child until she was out of the water. Molly can swim well and loves water, but some pugs can’t swim very well. Pugs are protective and I think a pug might drown himself trying to save a child who fell in water… I know Molly would.
Other benefits of your child being raised with a pug:
**Children who grow up with a pet (pug) have less risks of allergies and asthma.
**Children who help raise a pet (pug) learn responsibility, compassion and empathy.
**Growing up with a pet(pug) gives children a sense of security because the pet (pug) is never critical to them and doesn’t tell them what to do. A pet(pug) is just there for your child. Also, having a pet (pug) with them when mom and dad are away helps ease separation anxieties.
** Caring for a pet (pug) helps a child to feel important and it build their self-image.
**Children who have grown up with a pet (pug) and are emotionally attached to a pet (pug) seem to be able to build relationships with other people without any problems.
**Pets (pugs) seem to be able to help calm a child down or help with overly aggressive kids.
** Interacting with a pet (pug) helps develop a child’s imagination and curiosity.
Most of all, pets (pugs) give unconditional love to children. Children don’t have to try to please a pet (pug)… the pet (pug) just loves them… all the time. Pets (pugs) are a source of joy and happiness for our children… so let your child grow up with a pet (pug). It’s an experience they will benefit from immensely.
Until next time,
Hugs and Pug Kisses,