5 Reasons Why Dogs and Children Should Grow Up Together
5 Reasons Why Dogs and Children Should Grow Up Together

5 Reasons Why Dogs and Children Should Grow Up Together

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Children and Dogs… Do they go together? If you’re going to have a baby, should you have a dog? The answer is YES!!! Here are five reasons why children and dogs should grow up together…

** Companionship-  Both children and dogs need companionship… and they can provide that companionship to each other. Dogs get lonely and want to cuddle just like humans do. And… playtime will be double the fun if your child has a dog running beside him or her. Have you ever heard a child laugh while running with a dog? It’s an unforgettable moment and it will bring a smile to your face every time you think of it. Also, when your child is upset about anything (school, friends, parents, etc…) he/she has someone who will listen to them. Dogs are great listeners and they’ll listen as long as you need them too. And, at night, your dog will snuggle right up to your child and keep him/her warm and safe. What more could a parent want?


** Dog’s Keep your Kids Active- A dog loves to run and play just as much as your child does, and this is a great way to keep them both healthy and active. Let them play in the backyard, take them to parks together, let them run and play at a local lake… or a ball field… or a waterpark. The places are endless… When my kids were teenagers, we lived on a farm. When they played outside (which they did all the time), the dogs were right by their side. My boys even taught our dogs to play football. It was so much fun to watch. Even if you don’t live in a place that has open areas, your children can still take your dogs for walks everyday, maybe even several times a day.

Did you know? Kids with dogs exercise eleven minutes a day more than kids who don’t own a dog!!


** Having a Dog Teaches Children to be Responsible- Children should be taught to care for a dog. Not only should a child learn to feed and water a dog, but also take a part in training it, exercising it, bathing it and even taking it to the vet. These are all teachable moments in a child’s life and it benefits the child to learn responsibility at a young age. When your dog is sick, don’t hide this fact from your child. If your dog doesn’t get well and come home, your child will always wonder what happened. Don’t shield them from moments like this… be truthful with them and teach them to deal with the hardships of life instead of avoiding them.

** Exposure to Dogs Can Improve Babies’ Immune Systems- Let your babies and children come in contact with dogs. Recent studies have shown that babies that grow up with dogs often are sick less often in the first year of their life. When they are exposed to pet dander and pet microbes that pets tend to carry from the outdoors, it helps improve a baby’s immune systems. Also, children who grow up with a dog seem to less allergies than kids who don’t. Hmmm…Interesting!!

** Having a Dog Will Make Your Child Happy- Is there any doubt about this? Have you ever watched a child and a dog interact? They act silly, they run, they hide, they make silly noises, etc… They can entertain each other all day long. We’ve all heard that serotonin and dopamine are chemicals in our bodies that make us happy and make us feel good. Dogs feel happy just like we do… and interaction causes that happiness. There’s nothing like watching a small child hug a dog after they’ve played all day and are winding down.  Dogs and children have an unbreakable bond. Don’t let your child miss out on that!!

And… since this is a PUG blog, I just want to say that Pugs make fabulous pets. They love to play, they are little clowns so they go perfect with children, they love to cuddle and they are just kid crazy… so if your child needs a companion… (just sayin’)


Until next time,

Hugs and Pug Kisses,






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