Does Your Pug Drink Enough Water?
Does Your Pug Drink Enough Water?

Does Your Pug Drink Enough Water?

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How much water is needed?

We all know dogs need water? But, how much water? Are you sure your dog is drinking enough water each day?

Water is way more important than food is for your dog. Dogs, just like humans, can only last a short time without water. If a dog doesn’t have water, his body will shut down. Blood flow will stop flowing to non-vital organs, like to the muscles and kidneys, so it can continue to provide water to the heart and brain.

Water MUST be accessible to dogs ALL THE TIME. There is no set amount of water that is a standard correct amount for dogs- the amount of water a dog needs is dependent on many things, like the breed of dog, the dog’s size, the level of exercise, environmental temperatures, the type of food a dog eats and medical conditions. One veterinarian suggests that we should give our dogs at least 1- 8 oz. cup of water for each 10 lbs. of body weight. A dog’s water bowl should be larger than the food bowl and should be kept filled.


Water and Exercise

Dogs do not have sweat glands like we do. They don’t sweat like we do. They sweat through their paws. When a dog is hot, he must pant to cool himself off. When a dog pants, he is losing water from his body and that water needs to be replaced. When dogs exercise a lot or are out in hot weather, they lose significant amounts of water in order to keep themselves cool. A dog that sweats a lot from working, exercise or just  being exposed to hot weather could drink 3-6 times the amount of water he would normally drink. You can never offer your dog TOO MUCH water.

Do Dogs Become Dehydrated in the Winter Months?

The answer is yes. If your dog’s water bowl freezes and he cannot get water when he needs it, he could very possibly become dehydrated… and contrary to popular belief, dogs will not eat snow to keep themselves hydrated. It’s vital to keep your dog’s water dish from freezing if it is exposed to the weather.

Will the type of food I feed have an effect on how much water my dog drinks?

Yes, absolutely. If you feed a diet of all dry food, your dog will need more water than their normal amount. If you feed canned dog food, they probably won’t drink as much water because canned dog food is made up of about 80 percent water. If your dog gets canned and dry, they will most likely drink normal amounts of water.

Will Medical conditions have an effect on my dog’s drinking habits?

Yes again. If your dog suddenly starts drinking more water than than have in the past, you need to let your veterinarian know right away. Drinking excessively more water could be a sign of a medical condition. Diabetes and kidney disease are two diseases that may make your dog want to drink more water. There are other diseases too, such as Hypothyroidism (underachieve thyroid glands) and Cushing’s disease (overactive adrenal glands) that can make dogs want to drink more water. In un-spayed females, veterinarians look for liver disease and uterine infections in dogs that are drinking excessively.

Wash your dog’s dish

Your dog should always have fresh, clean water. Water out of your facet is fine- you do not have to give your dog bottled water. BUT… water dishes should ALWAYS be cleaned!! You don’t eat off of a dirty plate, do you? Your dog should not drink out of a dirty dish!! If the dish gets blue-green algae in it because it hasn’t been washed, it is TOXIC to your dog. PLEASE wash your dog’s dishes… Make it a habit!! I wash Molly’s food and water dishes everyday… just like I do mine. Our dog’s deserve to eat out of clean dishes!!


Until next time,

Love and Pug Kisses,








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