Did you know having a dog can boost your well-being. Yep, according to research, it’s true. But… how? Here are a few ways that dog companionship makes us happier and healthier.
** According to Medical News Today, owning a dog reduces a person’s risk of premature death by up to a third.
** People who own dogs have a lower risk of heart disease. Why? Because dogs tend to make us more active than we might’ve been before owning one. They like to go for walks and they love to play with us. They want us to interact with them… and we do!!
Here’s some interesting statistics: A study done last year showed that children who were exposed to dogs while still in their mother’s womb had a lower risk of developing eczema in their early childhood years. So… mom’s- don’t be afraid to spend time with your favorite furry friend.
** Also, children who were exposed to different types of bacteria were less likely to have asthma symptoms. These bacteria are carried by dogs. Wow!!
** Dogs just make us feel better. How can you not feel better when you are met at the door with a dog that is thrilled that you are home, wagging its tail excessively? We feel like this because we love our dogs and that is due to something called oxytocin. Oxytocin is released by the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland at the base of our brain. It’s knows as the “love hormone because it is released when people snuggle or bond with someone. Playing with your dog can cause Oxytocin to be released too.
** Dog’s have a calming effect on us- that’s why they are used for therapy dogs. They are being used in all types of different fields: examples: medical, education, service, etc… They also help children that are going through cancer treatments, and people dealing with post-traumatic stress.
** Having a dog can reduce depression in people and make them less prone to stress and to stressful situations.
** Dogs tend to make us more trusting. They trust us to take care of them and to love them and we tend to be more trusting when we have a canine companion.
Author Dean Koontz said this about his much-loved dog:
“One of the greatest gifts we receive from dogs is the tenderness they evoke in us. By their delight in being with us, the reliable sunniness of their disposition, the joy they bring to playtime, the curiosity with which they embrace each new experience, dogs can melt cynicism, and sweeten the bitter heart.”
I love that saying!! I think it mirrors how we all feel about our dogs.
Until next time,
Hugs and Pug Kisses,