Pug Owners are some of the most wonderful, caring, kind, compassionate people that I’ve ever met. They truly care about their dogs and I am blessed to know many of them.
I was asked the other day what my secret was… We were at a craft show and Molly sat with me all day (for two days) and looked cute (of course), she gave people a high-five as they walked by and she loved being there. One lady walked up and petted Molly and asked me, “What is your secret?? Your pug looks so healthy and happy.” It sort of caught me by surprise. I didn’t really know what to say… I just said, “thank you.”
Later at home, I thought about what she said. My goal with my pug(s) has always been to make them as happy as possible every single day that I have them. I cherish their companionship, they make me laugh everyday with their crazy antics and I cry for weeks and weeks when I lose one of them (just ask my son).
Here’s some tips for keeping your pug(s) healthy and happy:
**Keep your pug(s) groomed. I bathe Molly once a week. To keep her skin from drying out, I use an aloe vera hydrating lotion on her. It keeps her fur soft and beautiful. Also, keep their ears clean. Take a warm soft wash cloth (I use a baby wash cloth) and wipe those ears out.
**Keep your pug(s) wrinkles clean. Make sure you wipe your pugs wrinkles good everyday… or at least every time you bathe them. They can get infected so just gently wipe them out everyday with a dog wipe or a baby wipe or even a warm wash cloth.
**Use a harness, not a collar. A collar will make a pug’s trachea collapse and he/she won’t be able to breathe. A harness will not put added pressure on your pug’s neck. I have tried tons of harnesses and Molly currently wears a “Blueberry Pet” harness. They are super easy to put on and they last for several years. I highly recommend this harness.
**Walk your pug(s) everyday. If your pug(s) can’t walk, at least take them outside everyday. Pugs love to walk, they love interaction with other dogs and humans and they love to walk around and smell the bushes, trees, etc… Spending time outside everyday will make your pug a happy pug.
**Play with your pug everyday. Get down on the floor with them and play his/her favorite game. Pugs need interaction and they will look forward to their playtime with you everyday. It might be as simple as sitting on the floor and playing tug-0f-war with their favorite toy or playing frisbee with them.
**Don’t let your pug out without a leash. Pugs are people dogs, and they are very trusting and curious. They think the world revolves around them and they wouldn’t think twice about running out in a road if they saw a person on the other side. Protect your pug(s). Keep them leashed or in a fenced in back yard.
** Keep your pug(s) hydrated and don’t let them overheat. Pugs love to be outdoors, they love to run and play and sometimes, they get too hot. Watch your pug and don’t let him/her overheat. If your pug(s) get to breathing hard, it’s time to stop and rest for a bit.
**Be sure your pug(s) cannot get into anything that will hurt them. They are really curious so be sure your house stays clean and there is nothing on the floor they could eat or chew on that would injure them.
** Take your pug with you. Take them to the store, take them for a ride, take them to the park, take them to the lake, take them on vacation, take them in the boat, etc… All I have to say to Molly is, “You wanna go… and she is ready. Pugs love to go… anywhere. I take Molly when I go to Wal-Mart, or Target, or Home Depot and of course, Petco or PetsMart. She gets tons of attention and she loves it, plus she thinks she’s helping. It’s pretty cute to watch!! Try it!!
**Give your pug(s) lots of hugs, kisses and love everyday. I’ve read that dogs don’t like hugs. I don’t believe that. Molly gives me a hug sometimes and it’s so sweet. Pug(s) like to be cuddled, they love to be close to you and they love attention… so give it to them. They’ll give it back… ten times over!!
Hope you’ve enjoyed these tips!!
Until next time,
Hugs and Pugs Kisses,