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How often should I give my dog (pug) a bath?
Most veterinarians suggest bathing a dog( pug) about once a month. Unless your pug has an underlying condition or just needs a bath because he/she falls in the mud or something, once a month is enough.
A dog’s coat has natural oils in it. The oils protect the dog’s coat and even provide some waterproof protection when it gets wet. Bathing your dog too often can lead to inadequate oil in his/her coat, which in turn can cause dry skin and hair on your pug.
But… what if he really needs a bath?
If your dog (pug) really needs a bath, then give him one. You can also wipe him down with a washrag or wash him off without using shampoo. It is vital to keep your pug clean because uncleanliness can cause skin diseases, fungus, yeast infection, etc…
There are some reasons you may want to give your pug a bath more frequently:
- If your pug smells, he/she may have a skin infection. Pugs tend to get skin infections easily. Talk to your vet, then follow their recommendation for bathing.
- Pugs shed A LOT and bathing can help minimize the shedding. But, there are other options you can do besides bathing. Brush your pug everyday and even brush him before giving him a bath. Brushing will remove most of the loose hair and the bath will help.
- Some pugs like to take a bath and some don’t- a warm bath can help calm and soothe your pug, if done calmly. My pugs love to be dried with a blow dryer after their bath, then they sleep like babies.
According to the American Kennel Club, “Too frequent washing removes natural oils and causes the coat to become dry and harsh.”
If I am supposed to bathe only once a month, how do I keep him clean in between baths?
There are actually lots of things you can do daily to help keep your pug clean:
- Brush your pug everyday! This not only keeps him clean in between his monthly baths, but it also helps with shedding. While brushing your pug, you can check his stomach area to make sure he isn’t tender or sore. Also check his feet, his ears, and other areas for signs of infection, knots, or anything abnormal.
- Pet Wipes are another option in between baths. You can wipe your pug’s wrinkles with these wipes, his feet and even rub the wipe over his fur. Be sure to choose wipes with natural ingredients that won’t harm his skin.
- Aloe vera spray or dog perfume sprays can be used to help between baths. I use Aloe vera spray on my pug once a week to keep her skin from drying out. It’s especially nice in the summer months.
- Keep the areas that your pug lives in clean. Wash his bed often. If he sleeps with you, wash your sheets at least once a week. If he lays on your couch, vacuum it daily or often. Vacuum and sweep the pug hair off of your floors daily. A clean house helps keep your pug clean.
- Keep your pug’s water bowl clean. Believe it or not, water bowls can be a source of a lot of germs. Clean the bowl after every meal.
- In between baths, check your pug’s anal glands, his ears, his feet and his mouth. Some pugs need their anal glands emptied every month or two- other pugs not so often. Check his ears weekly to make sure they are not red and brush your pug’s teeth with dog toothpaste to keep his teeth clean and breath smelling good.
What type of shampoo and conditioner should I use?
First of all, don’t use your shampoo. Human shampoo has a pH of 5.2 to 6.2 and dogs need shampoo with a pH of 6.5 to 7 to be healthy for their skin. Look for a dog shampoo with Aloe vera or other natural oils. Oatmeal shampoo is also another great option.
For conditioner, just like the shampoo, look for a dog conditioner that is natural and does not contain harmful chemicals.
Where should I give my dog (pug) a bath?
A kitchen sink or a bathtub is best. You want to keep him in a small space so he doesn’t jump out of the water and hurt himself. Some pugs won’t fight a bath, but some might. Just make sure he is safe and you can contain him if he tries to get out of the water. Also, make sure everything you need for his bath is within reach before you put him in the water. I never bathe my pugs outside, but I have seen people do that. I like to use warm water- it seems to soothe them.
One more suggestion: Make sure you have a towel ready for your pug when he comes out of the water. Pugs tend to like to run and act crazy after a bath… so be prepared!! I dry mine off good, then let them run a little before drying with the blow dryer.
Until next time,
Hugs and Pug Kisses,