Are Pugs a Good Choice for First Time Dog Owners?
Are Pugs a Good Choice for First Time Dog Owners?

Are Pugs a Good Choice for First Time Dog Owners?

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If you are thinking about buying or adopting a dog, is a pug a good choice?

This depends a lot on what you are looking for. Do you want a dog that is a great companion? A dog that you can walk everyday? A dog to go running with? A dog to entertain and be a companion to your children?

Those questions needs to be answered first.

Pugs make wonderful companions.

Pugs make wonderful companions. They will follow you around the house, want to be by your side when you are sitting on the couch and they will want to sleep right beside you. They do not like to left alone for long periods of time but are sometimes demanding. You will never use the bathroom alone again. When I take a bath, my pug lays right beside the tub. This may seem a bit much, but actually it’s very comforting.

A pug’s life span is 10-15 years.

A pug’s life span is usually between 10- 15 years. If you decide to buy or adopt a pug, be prepared to take care of it for up to 15 years. As a pug gets older, it can have multiple health issues. Do some research before purchasing a pug so you know what health issues pugs are prone to have. Please do not purchase a pug if you are not prepared to care for this dog its whole life. Dogs are family members- don’t abandon your pug when it gets older- it needs you even more than.

Pug’s can be stubborn and difficult to train.

Pug’s can be stubborn and sometimes difficult to train. Pug’s definitely have a mind of their own. They can be very stubborn, but you just have to be consistent- that is the key to success. They can be difficult to train if you adopt an older pug, but they tend to train pretty easy if you train as a pup. An older pug is not impossible to train- you just need to have patience.

Pug’s can be expensive, but worth the price.

Pug’s are expensive.  Buying a pug is going to cost you anywhere from $400-$2000, and usually more toward the $2000 range. Adopting a pug is a great option and will not cost as much. Be sure you do your research no matter where you buy your pug. Look at the mother and father if buying from a breeder and check health records. If adopting, I would suggest a complete health exam from a veterinarian.

Pug’s get along great with children or other dogs.

Pugs get along great with other animals and children. Pugs are little clowns. They get along great with children and other animals. They are not fighters and will adapt easily. They love attention and will play with and snuggle with your children.

Pug’s love to walk.

Pugs love to walk. I should say most pugs. It depends on what they weigh and if they have health issues. Some pugs cannot walk far. My pugs walk with me at the park and love to meet other people and dogs. If your pug cannot walk far, take him for short walks. It’s great for their health and keeps them mobile as they age.

Pug’s are a perfect choice for small places.

Pug are small. If you live in a small apartment or complex, a pug is a perfect choice. They don’t take up much room or require much space. They will play for part of the day, but end up sleeping for most of it.

That being said, a pug is a great choice!!

Here is a list of other dogs that make good pets:

  1. Pomeranian – Not Terribly high-maintenance
  2. Shetland Sheepdog -Great agility dog with high energy
  3. Yorkshire Terrier – Intelligent and playful
  4. Havanese – Craves company and requires daily brushing
  5. Maltese – Smart dog bred to be loved
  6. Puggle – Cross between a Pug and a Beagle (designer dog)
  7. Shih Tzu – Lapdog that requires regular grooming
  8. Papillon – High energy dog with lots of intelligence
  9. Boston Terrier – Loves his human family

Until next time,

Hugs and Pug Kisses,


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