Why Does my Pug Lick… a Lot?
Why Does my Pug Lick… a Lot?

Why Does my Pug Lick… a Lot?

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Why do dogs lick so much? When I had Miss Molly, I never really had to worry about her licking a lot… because she didn’t.  But, when I bought Penelope, things changed. Penelope does lick… a lot. She licks the air, she licks her feet, etc…

Let’s  talk about WHY dog’s lick.

Dog’s generally lick for several reasons-

  • they are in pain
  • they are bored
  • to relieve stress or anxiety
  • to show affection

Remember: Dog’s communicate by licking. It is a critical skill for them and they learned it from their mother. 

The WAY your dog licks and WHEN he licks matters:

–If you dog tends to lick one general area a lot, he may be in pain. It might be arthritis, it could be allergies, etc… A visit to the vet might be a good idea. He could also just have dry skin or parasites. Your vet can determine that. Traditional treatments, such as allergy medications, antibiotics or medicated shampoos can usually help with these issues.

— If you dog licks other dogs or you, he might just be trying to communicate. Give him some extra attention. He may also lick because he likes the salty taste of your skin.

–If your dog tends to lick when he knows you are getting ready to leave, that is probably anxiety or nervousness. Reassure them and give them plenty to do while you are gone (a treat puzzle, a peanut butter bone, lots of toys, etc…)

–Dogs also lick different parts of their body to clean themselves. This is very normal. If he is cleaning himself and doesn’t seem stressed, it’s probably nothing to worry about.

–Another reason your dog may lick is because it calms or soothes him kind of like when a person gets a massage.

–Dog’s sometimes lick themselves because they have a food-based allergy. Some dogs are allergic to corn, soy and wheat products, so that may be causing him to lick. There is also a small chance your dog could be allergic to some different protein sources, like chicken or beef. If he tends to lick a lot after he eats, it could possibly be a food allergy. Maybe try switching to a grain-free food and see if it makes a difference. I would recommend talking to your vet before switching foods.

If your dog doesn’t seem to be in pain, the licking is not really something to worry about. You can however, distract a dog when he is licking to get them to stop. Just refocus their attention on something else.

Hope this helps!!





Until next time,

Hugs and Pug Kisses,



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