Here’s some fun and interesting facts about dogs!! See how many of these you knew…
** Dogs can recognize certain words. Some dogs can recognize hundreds of words, like service dogs. According to the latest research, most dogs know about 165 words. Does your pug know that many words?
** Scientists have used a language development test on dogs to discover that they have the intelligence of a two year old child. Do you agree with this finding? Do you think your pug is as smart as a two year old? Or smarter?
**Dogs can hear about four times better than humans can. And… the head tilt? Why do pugs tilt their heads? One theory is so they can try to hone in on sounds that are distant.
** Did you know that approximately 30% of dogs that end up in shelters are purebred dogs? This is a sad statistic. Sometimes, people die or can no longer take care of their beloved pet.. and that pet ends up in a shelter. Before you buy a dog, check out your local shelter.
** When your dog stops to smell the grass on his/her walk, he/she is learning about other dogs in that area. When your dog sniffs another dogs urine, that scent can relate information about other dogs, like the sex, the age or even mood.
**Dogs can smell better than humans can- up to 1000 times better. Wow!! That’s quite a nose, huh?
** Dogs can see in the dark way better than humans. They have what is called night vision because of an extra light reflecting layer behind their retinas.
** Does your dog sleep with you? In 2015, a survey showed that 45% of dogs sleep with their owners. I’m betting that number is higher now…
** Do you know what age the oldest known dog lived too? Twenty nine!! Wow!! That’s a long time for a dog. He was a Australian Cattle Dog named Bluey.
** Dogs don’t sweat like people do. Do you know where they sweat? Their paws. People have commented about their dog’s paws smelling like corn chips. Don’t worry… it’s normal.
** Dogs snore more than cats do. Research has shown that 21 percent of dogs snore compared to 7 percent of cats.
** Dogs are more than just our pets. During the Vietnam war, 4500 service dogs were used to help the troops. Wow!!
**Dogs dream just like people do. Does your dog ever jump, twitch or bark when they are asleep. Research shows that dogs have wave patterns just like we do and they dream too.
Until next time,
Hugs and Pug Kisses,
Wow! Thank you!!