The Loyalty of a Dog
The Loyalty of a Dog

The Loyalty of a Dog

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This photo makes me think about loyalty… and why our pets are so loyal to us. This is George Bush’s service dog, Sully, laying next to his casket. This photo has evoked emotion in all of us because it is heartwarming and sad. But… it’s also a photo showing loyalty… from a dog to his beloved owner.

Why are dogs loyal to their owners?

Dogs are affectionate- they have a natural instinct for affection. They want to bond with their owners, not fight or attack or bite. Dogs fight or attack or bite because they have been conditioned by humans to do so. Dogs naturally want to love and be loved. They are loyal because they want to be part of a pack… and their pack is their owners and family. They have a natural instinct to protect the people they love.

Here is some evidence of dog loyalty:

  •  Dogs have been and still are used in the military and even get their own memorial for loyal service. In WWI, approximately 30,000 dogs were employed for service and in WWII, 12,000 dogs were used by the United States. According to recent  data, there are approximately 2,000 dogs that are helping in military operations.
  • Cave paintings have been found that show a hunter surrounded by a pack of dogs (his hunting companions).
  • Dogs are being used in nursing homes, in hospitals, for troubled teens, for foster children and for war veterans because of their companionship and loyalty.
  • Dogs have similar biological clocks to people- they sleep during the night and are awake on and off during the day.
  • Dogs develop very close attachments to their people.

Here are some heartwarming stories of dog loyalty:

**  The life of a blind employee in one of the World Trade Center towers on September 11, 2001, was saved from the loyalty of his seeing-eye dog when the dog came back for him and slowly led him down the emergency stairwell shortly before the tower collapsed.

** In Japan, a dog named Hachiko, is still remembered for his unwavering loyalty to his human companion, a professor who took the train to work every day. Hachiko would go to the station and wait for the professor at the time of his return train in order to walk home with him. One day, the professor suffered from a stroke and died at work. That didn’t stop his loyal friend- Hachiko returned at the appointed hour every day for 11 years hoping he would come home. Before Hachiko died in the 1930’s, his loyalty was honored with a statue at the station, and his remains are on display at the National Science Museum of Tokyo.

** An English Setter named Sadie was out hunting with her owner in the hills of Kentucky one day when he suffered a heart attack. Sadie dragged the barely conscious man all the way home and stayed by his side while barking to alert his wife to the door, thereby saving his life.

Wow!! Great stories!! There are hundreds and hundreds of stories just like this about a dogs loyalty.


Do you want a dog that has undying loyalty to you?? Get a pug!! Pugs have a personality that oozes with loyalty and they want to be by their owner’s side constantly. A pug will adore you. They show gratitude by following you everywhere and wanting to be a part of everything that you’re doing. A pug will make you feel special, like you are the only person in the world. When you’ve been gone and come home, they will greet you like you’ve been gone for a year, jump in your lap, give you kisses and hugs and wag their tail excessively.

Pugs are extremely loyal companions. They are very protective. They are not aggressive dogs at all, but they can be aggressive if they think someone is hurting a person they love.

A couple of years ago, my son (Jake) and I were bringing Molly (our pug) in from a walk. A lab came running up to us. He wasn’t on a leash. Him and Molly starting fighting. I’m sure Molly was trying to protect Jake and I. She fought her little heart out, but she was at a disadvantage because of her size. She ended up getting hurt trying to protect us, and spent a couple of months healing, but she tried her very best. From that moment on, I knew in my heart, this little dog would die trying to protect me. The loyalty she has for me and Jake is incredible.

I know she lives to please me. I feel the same way. If she is going to be that loyal to me, I owe it to her to make every day as fun and wonderful for her as I can. If you are looking for a loyal companion, believe me when I tell you… there is none so loyal as a pug!!

Until next time,

Hugs and Pug Kisses,








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One thought on “The Loyalty of a Dog

  1. Your articles are wonderful. The ones on the latest stuff for pugs help so much. The other stories of other pugs and Molly make me smile. Keep posting!! Tia Marie and I look forward to them. ❤❤❤

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